Sunday 15 January 2012


But a few hours to idle away before wheels up!

Our mobile hospital is straddled between backpacks and we are growing more and more confident of our route. Overwhelmingly, it seems, to keep dry, we must set a southerly course from Casablanca.

Here's a little musing - I have every suspicion this could be us in 6 months.

Many people are wondering about this new link that you see on the right of the screen - BackaBuddy.

Here's the lowdown (particularly for some of McAlpine's thrifty friends who thought a portion of the proceeds went to our trip and "thought better of it." Cheers, guys.

The Key School is a highly specialised institution for children with autism. There is alarmingly little sponsorhip and support for schools of this kind - often eclipsed by causes that ostensibly have more "immediate" need. 
This is not a platform to badger you asking for money. Rather, we aim to create and maintain highly entertaining blogs to keep you sniggering into the wee hours. Everyone needs a purpose, though. This is ours.
No doubt, in the midst of Sahara, with McAlpine's feet in my face, noxious gases oozing from all his bodily crevices, and a tree-climbing goat gnawing our guy ropes - I will desperately need to cling onto some kind of higher ambition. Some kind of finish line.

100% of anything you wish to contribute goes directly to the Key School. BackaBuddy website is safe and secure and you will see an easy to click "Donate" button which takes you through to a private portal set up specifically for the Key School. McAlpine won't have the slightest opening to get his dirty paws on the loot.
Here's the link one more time for those of you who aren't considered "technical natives":

You'll notice it indicated that McAlpine and I are "champions". Well, spot on!

We've always been from the "If it feels good do it," school of thought...

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